Option Explicit
Global num_ip As String
' VBA MODULE: Get all IP Addresses of your machine
' (c) 2005 Wayne Phillips (http://www.everythingaccess.com)
' Written 18/05/2005
' REQUIREMENTS: Windows 98 or above, Access 97 and above
' Please read the full tutorial here:
' http://www.everythingaccess.com/tutorials.asp?ID=Get-all-IP-Addresses-of-your-machine
' Please leave the copyright notices in place.
' Thank you.
'Option Compare Database
'A couple of API functions we need in order to query the IP addresses in this machine
Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Public Declare Function GetIpAddrTable Lib "Iphlpapi" (pIPAdrTable As Byte, pdwSize As Long, ByVal Sort As Long) As Long
'The structures returned by the API call GetIpAddrTable...
dwAddr As Long ' IP address
dwIndex As Long ' interface index
dwMask As Long ' subnet mask
dwBCastAddr As Long ' broadcast address
dwReasmSize As Long ' assembly size
Reserved1 As Integer
Reserved2 As Integer
End Type
Public Function ConvertIPAddressToString(longAddr As Long) As String
Dim IPBytes(3) As Byte
Dim lngCount As Long
'Converts a long IP Address to a string formatted
'Note: Could use inet_ntoa instead
CopyMemory IPBytes(0), longAddr, 4 ' IP Address is stored in four bytes (
'Convert the 4 byte values to a formatted string
While lngCount < 4
ConvertIPAddressToString = ConvertIPAddressToString + _
CStr(IPBytes(lngCount)) + _
IIf(lngCount < 3, ".", "")
lngCount = lngCount + 1
End Function
Public Sub GetIPAddresses(Optional blnFilterLocalhost As Boolean = False)
Dim Ret As Long, Tel As Long
Dim bytBuffer() As Byte
Dim IPTableRow As IPINFO
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim lngBufferRequired As Long
Dim lngStructSize As Long
Dim lngNumIPAddresses As Long
Dim strIPAddress As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:
Call GetIpAddrTable(ByVal 0&, lngBufferRequired, 1)
If lngBufferRequired > 0 Then
ReDim bytBuffer(0 To lngBufferRequired - 1) As Byte
If GetIpAddrTable(bytBuffer(0), lngBufferRequired, 1) = 0 Then
'We've successfully obtained the IP Address details...
'How big is each structure row?...
lngStructSize = LenB(IPTableRow)
'First 4 bytes is a long indicating the number of entries in the table
CopyMemory lngNumIPAddresses, bytBuffer(0), 4
While lngCount < lngNumIPAddresses
'bytBuffer contains the IPINFO structures (after initial 4 byte long)
CopyMemory IPTableRow, _
bytBuffer(4 + (lngCount * lngStructSize)), _
strIPAddress = ConvertIPAddressToString(IPTableRow.dwAddr)
If Not ((strIPAddress = "") _
And blnFilterLocalhost) Then
'Replace this with whatever you want to do with the IP Address...
num_ip = strIPAddress
End If
lngCount = lngCount + 1
End If
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An error has occured in GetIPAddresses():" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
Err.Description & " (" & CStr(Err.Number) & ")"
End Sub
Eventualmente dicas sobre outros programas, Windows e hardware.
terça-feira, 29 de março de 2011
Mais um código para obter via VBA o IP do seu computador
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- Kazu
- Administrador de Empresas/Técnico em Processamento de Dados. Microsoft Office User Specialist - Excel Proficient. Pós-graduado em Business Intelligence.
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